Institute of Cyberspace Technology

HKCT Institute of Higher Education (HKCT) established the Institute of Cyberspace Technology (the Institute) on 18th May, 2023. We aim to provide better education and academic research, promote discipline development and innovation, enhance academic standards and influence. The Institute integrated the six major elements of "Industry, Discipline, Research, Application, Funding and Venture Capital" and teaching resources, to strengthen discipline planning, carry out scientific research collaboration, cultivate talents in the field of cyberspace technology with better and higher quality, and cope with the talent shortage.

“Symposium of Cyberspace cum Inauguration Ceremony of Institute of Cyberspace Technology” had attracted over hundreds of guests who are interested in cyberspace development, to participate physically and online. We were greatly honored to have the six officiating guests of the ceremony including The Hon LEUNG Chun Ying, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Ms WU Cheng, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR, Dr WONG King Keung, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of HKCT Group’s, Dr WONG Yau Kar, David, Chairperson of the Board of Governors of HKCT Institute of Higher Education, Dr LAU Pui King, Chairperson of the Council Office Bearers of HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Chairperson of the Management Board of Hong Kong College of Technology, Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay, President and Principal of HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Hong Kong College of Technology.

Management and Elite Teaching Team

Management Team

Prof. YI Chen, Associate Vice President

Teaching Team

Prof. DING Yong, Dean of Institute of Cyberspace Technology

Prof. QU Bo, Assistant to Dean

Prof. XU Guoai

Dr TANG Yajuan

Dr ZHANG Ruoqing

Mr HO Chun Wah

Dr XU Zhiyu

Advisory Team

Prof. CAI Jingjing, Honorary Professor

Prof. YIU Siu Ming, Honorary Professor

Prof. FENG Huamin, Honorary Professor

Research Team

Ir Dr KWOK Lam For, Head, Lion Rock Labs of Cyberspace Security

Prof. LI Dawei


Prof. PENG Zhiniang

Renowned Academic Partners

HKCT has established cooperative relationships in scientific research and discipline development with universities in Hong Kong and Mainland China, including (in no particular order):

  • National Tsing Hua University
  • Zhejiang University
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Xidian University
  • Beihang University
  • Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Shandong University
  • Wuhan University
  • Guilin University of Electronic Technology
  • Southeast University
  • Center for Mathematical Artificial Intelligence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Guangzhou University

“Memorandum of Understanding”

HKCT had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications in September 2023.

“Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement”

HKCT and Zhejiang University signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement in January, 2022 to work together on the talent exchange and development, and join hands to develop professional skills, product manufacturing, research, and technology exchange.

Support by HKSAR Bureau

Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme for Self-financing Post-secondary Education (ESGS)

HKCT successfully sought around HK$20 million subsidy from ESGS to develop programme of Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity (Testing and Compliance) and equip it with“Security Operations Centre” and “Cyber Range & Practice Centre” in order to meet the demand for talents.

The facilities have been commended by many government departments, including:

  • Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau (ITIB)
  • Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB)
  • Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)
  • Education Bureau
  • Security Bureau
Strong Industry Ties

HKCT is supported by renowned local and mainland technology companies and organisations, including:

China Unicom Global
(Top 3 Telecommunications Provider of China in Hong Kong)

Topsec Technologies Group
(Renowned cybersecurity, big data and cloud service supplier in Mainland China)

Alibaba Cloud
(Top Cloud Service Provider in Asia-Pacific)
Hong Kong Computer Society
Peng Cheng Laboratory

Moreover, Hung Fook Tong Group Holdings Limited has sponsored HKCT to establish “Cybersecurity Talent Entrance Scholarship”. The scholarship is to encourage students pursuing a career in cybersecurity and enhancing their academic endeavours in HKCT. Please click here for more details.

Event Highlights

CTIHE x Integrity Tech "Cyber Offensive and Defensive Training"

In recent years, Hong Kong has actively learned from the "National Cyber Offensive and Defensive Exercise" conducted annually between government departments and large enterprises in mainland China.

HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Integrity Tech jointly organised a 7-day "Cyber Offensive and Defensive Training" from Feb 28 to March 8, providing training for 40 participants from over 10 government departments. 

Mr LI Jia Bao, a certified cybersecurity evaluation trainer, served as the course instructor. He has ample experience in the delivery of similar training programmes. Moreover, he has participated in national and provincial level Offensive and Defensive Exercises in the past contributed to the practicality of the training and covered topics such as how loopholes can be prevented and utilised, log analysis, attack inspection, abnormal traffic analysis and blue team counter strategies, etc.

This course enhanced participants' understanding and capabilities in network attacks and defense, preparing them for cybersecurity protection in the future.


Introduction to Cybersecurity Offense and Defense Exercise

In order to help the government departments and organizations in Hong Kong better understand the method and process of offense and defense exercises, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and HKCT Institute of Higher Education (HKCT) co-organized an "Introduction to Cybersecurity Offense and Defense Exercise" on January 5, 2024. Attendees included Mr. CHEUNG Yee Wai, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Cyber Security and Digital Identity) of the OGCIO, Ir Dr KWOK Lam For, Head of Lion Rock Labs of Cyberspace Security of HKCT Institute of Higher Education, Prof. LI Wai Chi, Vice President of HKCT Institute of Higher Education, Prof. LAM Sum, Associate Vice President of HKCT Institute of Higher Education. In addition, nearly a hundred participants were invited to attend, including representatives from the Security Bureau, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Hong Kong Police Force.

We have invited Mr. HUANG Qi, Assistant President of Integrity Technology Co Ltd, Head of Security Data Analysis Research and Security Service Control Research and Development Centre as speaker. He introduced the mainland's cybersecurity offense and defense exercises and shared case studies. 

Mr. HUANG pointed out in his sharing that most people are generally unaware of and unconcerned about cybersecurity incidents happening around the world. He said, "All victims believed they were safe before being attacked." Therefore, cybersecurity offense and defense exercises have become even more important. He emphasized that many attacks often stem from trust and carelessness, so we must establish security awareness, strengthen the cultivation of cybersecurity awareness, and organise more cybersecurity offense and defense exercises and "let mistakes happen on the cyber range" instead of the reality.


“Lion Rock” Symposium of Cyberspace

In response to the high attention to cybersecurity in the "Policy Address" released on October 25, HKCT Institute of Higher Education held the "Lion Rock" Symposium of Cyberspace on October 27, 2023.

Professor LEI Zhibin, Secretary-General of the Institute of Web 3.0 Hong Kong, was invited as the officiating guest, along with Mr WANG Zhongru, Director of the Information Centre of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR, and several guests from the information technology and academic fields attended the event.

The Symposium themed "Digital Security and Privacy - Mainland Experience Sharing," invited 4 heavyweight experts in the field of cyberspace, including Dr. Huang Jiwu, a distinguished professor at Shenzhen University and winner of the National Distinguished Young Fund , Researcher Li Fenghua, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Institute of Information Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and expert of the State Council's Cyberspace Security Discipline Review Group, Professor Yang Tingting, a researcher at the Pengcheng Laboratory and Minister of the Ministry of Education, and Professor Sun Guozi, Director of the Institute of Data Security Compliance Application Technology at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. They respectively gave presentations on 4 topics: "Forgery of Image Evidence," "Development Trends and Applications of Data Security and Privacy Computing in the Sharing Environment," "Ten Fundamental Issues of Computing Power and Security Networks," and "Electronic Data Forensic Technology: Opportunities and Challenges."

The event was open to the public and attracted many teachers and students from HKCT and other tertiary institutions as well as people interested in cybersecurity.

"Mainland Cyber Offense and Defense Drill" Seminar

In response to the China Cybersecurity Week, HKCT Institute of Higher Education (HKCT) held a "Mainland Cyber Offense and Defense Drill" Seminar to foster exchanges and experience sharing between mainland and Hong Kong cybersecurity workforce.

Mr XIE Shaozhi, Security Technology Service Centre of Topsec Technologies Group shared the trends of cybersecurity and experience of offensive and defensive drills in mainland. Over 40 participants attended and representatives came from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force, the Information Centre of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR and HKCT teaching staff. The content is substantial and valuable and all the guests were inspired by the sharing.


Symposium of Cyberspace

On the day the ICT founding ceremony was held, HKCT also hosted the Symposium of Cyberspace. Numerous cyberspace specialists and scholars supported the event. Dr WEN Sheng from Swinburne University of Technology, Professor ZHANG Weizhe, Deputy Director of the New Network Department of Peng Cheng Laboratory, and Professor MA Zhuo, Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology, respectively delivered a keynote speech entitled “How can we guarantee Web 3’s future success?”, “Security risks and strategy related to internet domain names”, and “Machine unlearning mechanism and its security application”.

In addition, Professor MA Jianfeng, Director of the Department of Cyberspace Security of Xi’an University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Professor ZHANG Xiaosong, Director of the Institute of Cyberspace Security of the University of Electronic Science and Technology, Professor LI Xiaoyong, Executive Dean of the School of Cyberspace Security of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Professor CAI Jingjing, Chairperson of Yongxin Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd., took part in a roundtable forum on the development of the cyberspace security discipline and talent grooming. Professor DING Yong, Dean of ICT, was the moderator. All the guests in attendance praised the specialists and scholars for their professional insight that helped enhance their understanding of cybersecurity.


The First Hong Kong Cybersecurity Skills Competition

HKCT joined hands with the Hong Kong Computer Society to organise the first “Hong Kong Cybersecurity Skills Competition” on 15th April, 2023. The competition had the support of the government, the business sector and the academia, including the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force, the I.T. People Association of Hong Kong (ITPA), the Association of I.T. Leaders in Education (AiTLE) and Department of Computer Science of The University of Hong Kong.

On the day the award presentation ceremony was held, we invited Ms. SIU Ka Yi, Political Assistant to Secretary for Education, Dr CHENG Chung Ngam, Hong Kong Computer Society, Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay, President and Principal of HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Hong Kong College of Technology and all professional judges and participants to attend. The participants were students of higher education institutions, people working in industries such as telecommunications, internet service and network security, as well as people aspiring to join the cybersecurity sector. A total of 77 participants were shortlisted to enter the finals.

LI Zhenyu from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and YU Tianren from Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, came out as winners with a score of 95 and 92.5 respectively (100 being the full score). They were recognised by the Education Examination Centre of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
of the People’s Republic of China, according to specific rules, as a Network and Information Security Management Engineer (Senior). They were also awarded the Certificate of Network and Information Security Management (Senior) issued by the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Public Security, a cash prize of HK$20,000 and employment opportunities.


Learn more:
Please click the link below for more details.
Press Coverage of Competition (Chinese only)
Press Coverage of Award Ceremony
Competition details and the List of Winners

Simulated Cyber Attack and Defence Competition 2022-23

The Simulated Cyber Attack and Defence Competition 2022-23, organised by the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, was successfully completed on 11th February, 2023. 14 teams, hailing from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, joined the competition on cyber ranges of the three areas. A series of competitions, including cyber intelligence gathering, digital forensics, case investigation and incident response were held. 

Our Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity (Testing and Compliance) year 1 students formed a team called Casual Player to take part in the competition. HKCT students won sixth place among the 14 teams. Among the Hong Kong teams, they came second. It was their first-time taking part in such a big cybersecurity competition and the brilliant results they achieved were very encouraging.

5 of the students took part in the competitions, namely LIU Yu Xuan, CHU Chun Ning, LEUNG Yung Ki, WONG Chun Yu and FUNG Man Fung.




Cybersecurity Seminar on Education

HKCT teamed up with China Unicom Mobile to host the “Cybersecurity Seminar on Education”. The activity had full support of the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council, the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council and the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force.

We had invited several heavyweight guests to attend, including Dr MENG Shusen, Chairman and President of the China Unicom Global Limited, Mr SZE Chun Fai, Administrative Assistant to Secretary for Education, Dr LAW Yuet-wing, Assistant Commissioner and Regional Commander (Kowloon East) of the Hong Kong Police Force, Ms CHENG Lai Ki, Chief Superintendent of Police of the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau of the Hong Kong Police Force, Mr LEE Ching-Pong, Assistant Hon. Secretary of the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, Mr WANG Ting, Representative of the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council and Professor CHAN Cheuk Hay, President and Principal of HKCT Institute of Higher Education and Hong Kong College of Technology.

The speaker shared information on technology crimes in recent years, the importance of cybersecurity, the industry's demand for relevant professionals, etc. The seminar was informative and useful to raise public awareness of cybersecurity. The seminar had attracted nearly three hundred of secondary and tertiary teachers and students, the education sector and people who are interested in cybersecurity, to participate physically and online.

Event Highlight:




















Academic Programmes

Full Time and Part Time Higher Diploma Programmes
Higher Diploma in Cybersecurity (Testing and Compliance) (Full Time)
Programme Details
Higher Diploma in Industrial Internet of Things (Full Time)
Programme Details
Higher Diploma in Industrial Internet of Things (Part Time)
Programme Details

Media Coverage (Chinese only)

港專辦香港網絡空間技術「獅子山」論壇 率先回應《施政報告》對網安關注 - 紫荊 港專邀4專家分享維護數據經驗 回應施政報告提升網絡安全方針 - 香港01 港專辦香港網絡空間技術「獅子山」論壇 率先回應《施政報告》對網安關注 - 巴士的報 港專辦香港網絡空間技術「獅子山」論壇 探討施政報告對網絡安全關注 - 橙新聞 兩地專家交流提升數字安全 - 文匯報 港專舉辦論壇 籲加強網絡安全 - 大公報 港專辦網絡科技學院育專才 - 文匯報 港專成立「網絡空間科技學院」 致力培育網絡科技專才 - 巴士的報 港專整合六大元素 建新學院培養網絡科技專才 - 紫荊 港專成立網絡空間科技學院 梁振英冀加強學生國安意識 - 大公文匯 港專網安高級文憑獲業界學界支持 助DSE 5個2學生成為網安專才 - 巴士的報 港專網絡安全高級文憑 助有志中六畢業生將來成為網安專才 - HK01 港專辦網絡安全講座 9月開辦網安文憑課程 - 文匯報 港專舉辦網絡安全講座 明年將開辦網安文憑課程 - 星島頭條 網罪泛濫港缺相關人才 官企學聯手推港專網安教育 - 巴士的報 教育熱話|港專獲教育局資助2000萬元 最快下學年推網絡安全高級文憑 - Oh!爸媽 港专最快下学年推网络安全高级文凭 获教育局2,000万资助将建电子靶场 - TOPick 港專獲教育局資助2000萬元 最快下學年推網絡安全高級文憑 - 星島頭條 港專設電子靶場 學生實戰網絡攻防 - EDU 港專設電子靶場 學生實戰網絡攻防 - 星島頭條 港專設電子靶場 學生實戰網絡攻防 - 巴士的報